Why Landlords Should Take the Lead on Installing Submeter Technology

Submeter technology allows landlords to collect better detailed information on individual energy consumption. Submeter measurement allows landlords and tenants to create strategies to save energy, lower operational and maintenance costs and keep people healthy and comfortable.
A recent analysis by the Landlord-Tenant Energy Partnership—an initiative led by the Institute for Market Transformation , the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), and the Retail Industry Leaders Association—found that while advances continue to be made in submeter technology’s quality and affordability, the ability to invest in the technology is still beyond the grasp of typical commercial and retail tenants. In most cases, landlords remain best positioned to lead the way on building energy management. This resource outlines the top 5 reasons for landlords to install submeters.
Cost Savings, Tenant Fit-Out, Tenant Operations, Commercial Office, Landlord